We are closely monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and particularly the advice from Public Health England, the Church of England, and the Diocese of Winchester.  Our priorities are to ensure that our church family and extended family, our staff, and our church centre users are as safe as possible, and to offer help where we can within our local community.

Most importantly we pray in the crisis and keep our focus on God.

St Christopher’s services and events

Presidents of Churches Together in England, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, have called for a national day of prayer this coming Sunday 22 March, focusing on the needs of our world and our country. This will be an opportunity to pray earnestly for the government and its advisers, for medical staff and other key workers, for the sick and the bereaved, and for those who are fearful and lonely. This is a national call to prayer, and we hope everyone will join us in praying in our own homes. Find out more here.

  • Based on current guidance from the government, all our services and events are suspended until the end of May.
  • In addition, all of our groups and meetings are also being cancelled.
  • To help prevent the spread of infection, please follow general best practice as outlined by Public Health England.

How can we help each other and our community?

We are concerned to support our more vulnerable and isolated members at this time, as well as our neighbours and wider community. Please consider telephoning those you are aware of to keep in touch and keep open lines of communication.

Let us be unceasing in prayer and praise, take opportunities where we can to share our faith, to reach out to our community, and to show kindness to others.

Further updates

We will be posting regular updates on our website and Facebook page.  We will also be continuing to producing a newsletter each week to offer prayer, support and help, and encouragement through this time.  

Contacting St Christopher’s

Please contact us on 01202 418394 or email office@saint-christophers.org.uk

Our Priest in Charge, Revd Canon Andy McPherson can be contacted by mobile on 07759 063367 or email andy@stsaviours.net.

Other resources which you may find useful

BBC Sounds

Thought for the Day by Anne Atkins on Tuesday 17 March: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p086vsdp

Prayer for the day

A prayer for each day from the Church of England

24-7 Prayer

Coronavirus prayer

Lectio 365, a daily devotional app to help us pray the Bible each day

#LiveLent Reflections

Daily reflections through Lent from the Church of England

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