From Mark R

John 1:18 ‘No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.’

We’ve been thinking over the weeks how the Word was with God and was God, and last week how The Word becomes flesh and lives among us.

Jesus comes to show us God and the wonderful closeness of the Trinity, that intimate Face to Face relationship, that He longs to share with us.

We’ve seen how the paradise of the Garden of Eden was ruptured when Satan sowed his lies about God’s Character, and Adam and Eve took the bite and then began to doubt God’s goodness.

Which brings us to the mess we find ourselves in today. Not just the world outside us with wars and soaring crime rates, but the world inside us that leaves us like Adam and Eve doubting God’s goodness and love. It may all seem like a pipe dream to us, just wishful thinking.

Yet this is the messy world Jesus comes into, announcing the Good News.

His Presence reveals the heart of God. And that’s good news.

He reveals the love that existed before time began, that unspeakable Oneness of love between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

‘No one has ever seen God, but the One and Only Son, who is Himself God, and is in the closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known’

Jesus comes to show us the love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, reaching down to us in our fallen state.

Jesus comes to show us His Father’s longing for us, the longing to bring us home, brought into the life of the Trinity through new birth and adoption as His child.

This was His plan before the foundation of the world ( Ephesians 1:3)

At the Cross, the Son, the Word made flesh, takes the weight of our sins on Himself, and clothes us with His righteousness, that we might be brought home.

As someone once said: ‘Jesus crossed all worlds to find us, to lift us into the life of love in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’

This is At-One-Meant.

CS Lewis once said: ‘United with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it’

Why are we here?

We’re ‘learning to live loved’

We’re learning to live with the life of God inside us, by His Spirit. Seeing the world through God’s eyes, listening through God’s ears, learning to touch with His hands, and loving others with His love.

Category: The Bridge , Thought for the week