From Mark R

John 1:1 ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’

‘The Word was WITH God’

The Greek translation of ‘with’ in this context is ‘Face to Face’. Before the beginning, The Word was Face to Face with God. Father and Son were Face to Face.

What an intimate picture!

Think of the anxious child who wakes up after a bad dream at night and goes into his parents room to be comforted. He wants to see his mother’s face. He says to her: ‘Mummy is your face towards me?’ He needs reassurance after the nightmare, the safety and security of his mother. Only then will he be able to relax and drift back into sleep.

‘Face to Face’ was there before the beginning. Father and Son Face to Face in this incredible picture of intimacy with each other. Profound love and togetherness. So intimate that Jesus will later say in John’s Gospel that He not only KNOWS the Father, but that He is IN the Father.

And this is the Word being revealed to us. This is God showing us what He is like.

More next week.

Category: The Bridge , Thought for the week