First – Let’s start the year thanking each other for all the hard work that so many do to keep the church spiritually and physically fed and watered, to thank each other for just being present and sharing in each other’s daily circumstances – thank you all. 

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it”          1 Cor.12 v.27

Of late, I’ve found myself talking to various parts of my body to try to jolly them along a bit; I must confess they do annoy me. I was a bit taken aback to find my nose actually telling me the following story.

He had been going through a difficult time in life; you know, losing some of his abilities and becoming more dependent on other parts of his body. He had become rather angry and bitter with them because they just couldn’t understand his difficulties. He said, “There might be two eyes but they are rarely able to see smells coming. The two ears are pretty useless; they usually fail to warn me of smells in advance. As for the mouth – it is often the cause of some of the most obnoxious smells.”

In fact, it was the mouth, or at least the position of the mouth, which had provoked him to question God’s creative wisdom. The nose believed that, as heaven was above and hell was below, bad smells come from below and good smells from above. The nose told me that the disgusting smells rising from the stuff that was so frequently thrown into the mouth had convinced him that God had put him the wrong way up. He was quite happy being in full centre of the face as it meant he was always leading the way; he was in pole position. He was just convinced that God had put him the wrong way up; he wouldn’t like to have admitted it but he was quite resentful against God.

Then it happened. He found himself to be the other way up, and yes, there were some lovely smells coming from above and the sun was warming the inside of his nostrils; he was happy. The feet decided to take the body for a walk in some woods which was fine until the hand reached out and shook a tree. Sneezing is not a pleasant experience but how else can a nose clear itself? The eyes were totally blinded from the upward fountain.

When they came out of the woods it started to rain heavily and it was then that the nose came to understand God’s wisdom. The choking and spluttering that followed as the mouth fought and struggled for air shook the whole body, – he was drowning. At that point the nose awoke from his dream.

He said, “It really made me think. God is right, a nose cannot go it alone. I am a member of a team – a servant in the head team. God has placed me there for a purpose and equipped me so that I can care for the rest of the body; I might be a funny shape but it is the right shape, in the right place and the right way up.”

Then I awoke from my dream and I really had something to think about. I had to confess that I had been rather resentful against God. At last I understood; he has made me this way so that I can serve him and those he loves; I can serve him as I am.

Even a nose has to combine humility with honesty

“From him (Christ) the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” – Eph.4 v.16

Prayer – Please Lord, help each of us to serve you in the living body of Christ, our Lord and Saviour, with honesty, humility and love.


Category: The Bridge , Thought for the week