Reflections: From Phillip with thanks.

Wednesday, 6th September

Read Philippians chapter 1.

We begin this week a series of reflections on the book of Philippians, Paul’s letter to the young church at Philippi. As a pastor, Paul wanted to encourage these young Christians to maintain their unity and love, following the example of humility shown by the Lord Jesus.

It is interesting to note that the keynote of the letter is ‘joy’, in the form of a verb or a noun, and is found sixteen times. Other keynote words are ‘fellowship’ and ‘the gospel’.

Right at the start of the letter, Paul shows himself to be a person of fellowship. He includes Timothy in the greeting. We too, are a people of fellowship and must encourage each other as we work together for the sake of the Gospel. As someone once said: ‘The New Testament knows nothing of lone rangers!’

Pauk then goes on to describe who they both are. Both are ‘servants of Christ Jesus.’  The word servant here means someone who is committed and obedient to their master. Even more, Paul’s identity is bound up with his commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul goes on in 1:3 to thank God every time he remembers the Christians at Philippi, and he always prays with joy for them ‘because of their partnership in the Gospel.’ Also, he is ‘confident that he who began a good work in you will carry it onto completion…’

Reflections and prayer:

  • Do we value and encourage fellow Christians as we seek each day to build God’s kingdom?
  • We might like to try ending our emails, phone messages, cards of encouragement with phrases such as peace and joy, peace and prayer, peace and hope (read verse 2 again).
  • Pray with certainty and joy that God will complete the good work he has begun in us.

Category: The Bridge , Thought for the week