From Mark R

John 1:14 ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.’

We’ve seen in John 1:1 that ‘The Word was with God, and the Word was God’

The Word Who is God now ‘becomes flesh and makes His dwelling among us’

The Word Who is Face to Face with God leaves His throne in heaven to become one of us. He meets us in our mess. He comes to find us. He comes to lift us out of our mess and into the life and love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The purpose of ‘in the beginning’ was that Creation was to be the place where the Trinity could be One with humanity.

Adam and Eve were created to know God, to see, hear Him, and to know His love. That was why it was called paradise.

But paradise was turned upside down when Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lies and doubted God’s Character and His goodness. Trust, love, and security turned to self focus, self centredness, and independence.

This has implications for all of us as we no longer see God as He truly is, as He is described in John’s Gospel. If we believe He exists, we may see Him as distant, critical, uninvolved in our lives.

So much hinges on this question: Do we believe God is good?

The Word comes from heaven to earth to show us the answer through a cradle, a Cross, and an empty tomb.

Category: The Bridge , Thought for the week