From Phillip

Look again at Philippians chapter 1.

Paul had been encouraged by the Christians in Philippi. They were very receptive to the message of the Gospel and wanted to continue their partnership with him. Paul was a person of prayer and his prayer in 1:9-11 gives us a wonderful insight into how we can pray for those whom God has laid on our hearts.

Paul writes of ‘his partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now, he was very likely thinking of his first meeting with Lydia, a ‘dealer in purple cloth’ (Acts 16:11-15) who made her house available for meetings and worship. Lydia is an example to us who as a generous and hospitable person opened her home. Who knows what God may do as we offer hospitality to friends and strangers alike.

We also know from a reading of Acts 16:15,40 that the jailer and his household had become Christians. Paul and Silas received great hospitality from the Philippian Christians and so it is very appropriate that they should be called partners in the Gospel. This was a partnership that continued until late in Paul’s life.

Paul prays three specific things for the Philippian Christians:

  • That their love may abound more and more (1:9).
  • Discernment (1:10). This means we do not wander without direction but discern what is best and be constantly evaluating what is best for us.
  • Fruitfulness (1:11).

Reflections and prayer:

  • Give thanks to God for those who have, perhaps for many years walked alongside us in our Christian lives. Pray that we too may be an encouragement to them.
  • Ask God to help us share hospitality and live generously.
  • We can use Paul’s prayer to help us pray for our fellow Christians.
  • Pray that we will be people of love, discernment and insight.

Category: The Bridge , Thought for the week