Spiritual Gifts 2

1 Peter 4 : 8 – 11

8:  Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

9:  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

10:  Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.


Mark introduced us to Paul’s writings regarding the gifts that God gives to the church through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in each individual member. These are facts that Paul observed working within the various churches that he founded, led and ministered to.

  • Gifts are only effective within a loving community. The Holy Spirit cannot work where there is jealousy, rivalry, factions and divisiveness.
  • Everyone is involved. Not everyone has the same gift or gifts.
  • According to Peter there are two main categories of charismata.

Speaking and serving.

11:  If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4 : 10)

Mark spoke about the “speaking” gifts so in this talk we will examine those gifts that God gives to those who serve, (which in effect, is all of us because those of us with gifts of speaking are actually serving as well).

We’ve  seen what Peter wrote about Spiritual Gifts so now we’ll examine Paul’s version in the following letters. 1 Corinthians 12 : 4 – 11, Ephesians 4 : 11 – 13, Romans 12 : 4 – 8

There are those who have written that there are a fixed number of charismata but in my view there is no way God would want to put a limit on his grace and the gifts he has for us in the Holy Spirit. I think it is helpful to analyse charismata in following way using the gifts taken from the above letters.

Gifts of speaking:

Prophesy, , Evangelism, Teaching, Tongues / Interpretation.

Gifts of doing:

Leadership, healing, faith, miracles, encouraging, giving, mercy (empathy), serving.

Gifts of revelation:

Wisdom, knowledge, discernment,

Gifts of doing:

According to Paul no gift is more important than any other, (except prophesy over speaking in tongues without interpretation), and indeed those gifts that are exercised out of the public eye and very often in secret, are just as beneficial to the church community as the public ministries. I was hugely encouraged by a member of my congregation who after the service would give me a note thanking me for my ministry.

There are those who give sacrificially to God’s work both in the church and to other charities, there are brothers and sisters who we know we can go to when we need a sympathetic ear and prayer. There are those who serve the congregation in a multitude of diverse ways, providing leadership and vision, providing administration and good communication,  helping to make tea and coffee, assisting in Junior Church or the Monday and Wednesday toddlers’ groups, cleaning in its various forms, clearing up after everybody has gone, looking after the finances of the church, preparing the services in the computer, operating the technology during the services on Sundays, playing and singing in the band, prayer ministry and visiting those who are indisposed etc.

All of the activities have a skill in some measure but it is the humble and loving attitude in which we undertake these things that makes them a gift of grace to the church and grace is the key. I may be the greatest musician in the world but if I can’t lead people into God’s presence with love, grace and humility I really am “a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”

Jesus said in John’s Gospel:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14 : 12 – 14)

There are those in the church with tremendous faith when others are dithering and uncertain. There are those who God has given a gift of healing and miracles.

The important thing is that we all work together, each one contributing as God has given them grace, loving and appreciating one another for the work that is done week in, week out.

Gifts of revelation:

God has never stopped communicating with his people and in addition to prophecy, (the prophet always spoke the word of God to his people), God has gifted some of our congregation with knowledge. God reveals to them when someone needs God’s love or is questioning a change of direction in their life, and they are able to prompt them in the way God has for them. It may not be a complete answer particularly if it is given in the form of a picture.

I was in a group praying for a man I didn’t know and I received a picture of a massive oak tree. This reminded me of an unusual oak tree I used to see when walking our dog. It was unusual because all around it were tiny oak saplings. The man thanked me for the picture explaining that he had been asked to go to Argentina with the sole purpose of planting new churches and believed that the picture was confirmation from God. Sometimes when praying for someone who finds it difficult to express their deepest need it is quite clear in your Spirit what the problem is and pray can be offered accordingly.

Knowledge of itself can be helpful but there are times when we need to be gifted with wisdom to know what to do with that knowledge.

One of the dangers in committing ourselves to the gifts of grace is that someone may arrive unknown to anyone and start to claim to be Spiritually gifted. This is where the gift of discernment comes. Is this a genuine gift from God or a counterfeit agent sent from Satan who should be gently corrected with love and compassion?

The benchmark for these revelatory gifts is always scripture, God’s expressed will for his people. And the measure of the one gifted is a display of the fruit of Spirit in their lives.

As we look around the congregation can you discern the gifts that each individual brings to the church? Of course not! Some you will know others you will never know, the important thing is that we love one another sincerely, encouraging one another in our commitment to Jesus Christ in this community.


Heavenly Father, we thank your for the gift of your Holy Spirit, his power to make us like Jesus and the many gifts of grace that he gives to us through our brothers and sisters. Help us to appreciate each other’s contribution, loving one another and encouraging each other to even greater love for you. In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. Amen.

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