Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association

4th Bournemouth Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association

Anchors and Juniors meet in the church hall on Monday evenings from 6.00–7.00pm during term time. 

New members are very welcome.

Anchors is for boys and girls aged 5–8 years.  We have lots of fun doing different activities, including making things, crafts, music, games, sports, stories, going on visits, making friends and working towards our badges.

Juniors is for boys and girls aged 8–11 years.  Juniors is all about having fun, making friends, enjoying lots of activities and trying new things.  Meetings are crammed full of challenges, games and activities catering for just about every possible interest.  We are encouraged to explore new interests whilst working towards our badges.

Our Company section is for young people aged 11–15.  Activities will include sports, games, outdoor and adventure, life skills, creativity, etc.  We meet on Fridays at 7.30pm.

Please contact Mark on 07799 887858 or email if you would like more details, or look on for 4th Bournemouth.