Morning Prayer
Join us for morning prayers at the back of the church at 10.30am on Wednesday.
Join us for morning prayers at the back of the church at 10.30am on Wednesday.
A warm welcome awaits you at 10.00am for Worship Acts 6: 1-15 Theme: The Church in Jerusalem During our service this morning a creche is available at the back of the church for parents with pre-school age children, with baby facilities, toys and colouring sheets. School age children will leave during the service to attend […]
Join us for Wednesday Morning Prayer 10.30am in the Prayer Room (at the back of the church). All are welcome to come and pray (whether silently or aloud). "Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan" (John Bunyan)
We'll be having a Big Prayer Meeting on Thursday 12 September at 7.45pm in the Church All welcome! Prayer opens the way for God himself to do His work in us and through us.
A warm welcome awaits you at 10.00am on Sunday for Worship with Communion Acts 8: 9-25 Theme: The Gospel is preached in Samaria During our Service this morning a creche is available at the back of the church for parents with pre-school age children, with baby facilities, toys and colouring sheets. School age children will […]
A warm welcome awaits you at 10.00am on Sunday for Worship Acts 10: 1-43 Theme: The Gentile Church in Caesarea During our Service this morning a creche is available at the back of the church for parents with pre-school age children, with baby facilities, toys and colouring sheets. School age children will leave during the […]
Join us on the 4th Sunday of the month at 4pm - 5.45pm for games, craft, worship and a simple meal.
A warm welcome awaits you at 10.00am on Sunday for Worship Healing Service Acts 14 : 1 - 18 Theme: The Church in Galatia During our Service this morning a creche is available at the back of the church for parents with pre-school age children, with baby facilities, toys and colouring sheets. School age children […]
A warm welcome awaits you at 10.00am for worship with communion Acts 11:19-30 Theme: The Church in Antioch in Syria During our Service this morning a creche is available at the back of the church for parents with pre-school age children, with baby facilities, toys and colouring sheets. School age children will leave during the […]
All will be very welcome to join us for our Harvest Festival on Sunday 13 October at 10.00am Harvest gifts (tins and packets, please) will be for the Bournemouth Food Bank and people in the community SCY, Sunday Club and the creche will be as usual All welcome!
We will be having a buffet lunch with desserts, followed by tea or coffee in the Church Hall after the morning service at approximately 12.30pm There will be no charge for the lunch, but it you would like to provide anything for it, there is a sign up list at the Church on the Bridge […]
A warm welcome awaits you at 10.00am for Worship with Communion Acts 15: 1-21 Theme: The Council in Jerusalem During our Service this morning a creche is available at the back of the church for Parents with pre-school age children, with baby facilities, toys and colouring sheets. School age children will leave during the service […]