Thank you to Phillip for this week’s MWB
Psalm 9
I suggest we read Psalm 9 carefully and prayerfully. Then read the summary of the psalm below:
Psalm 9 is a mix of praise and petition, celebration and setback. David is praising God (verses 1-2) for His power over his enemies (verses 3-8) and continual presence with David during the battle (verses 9-12).
In the midst of David’s praise, he is either reminded of old battle injuries or experiences a setback in battle (verses 13-14). Rather than giving into despair or questioning God’s love/power, David affirms the destiny of the wicked (verses 14-17).
In conclusion David affirms God’s provision of hope for the downcast (verse 18) and petitions God for victory over this persistent enemy (verses 19-20).
The main theme of Psalm 9: God is more powerful than our enemies and concerned for our struggles. We can and should turn to God in the midst of our struggles. Even while we praise God and pray to God we may still suffer. This should not stop our desire to praise the God whose character never changes. [Accessed 14:12:2024]
Have you ever thought of writing your own psalm? You might like to try using the outline below:
• Verses 1-2.
Write of God’s faithfulness, remembering God’s faithfulness to you /your family in past years
• Verses 3-6.
Give specific current examples of how God is active and answering prayers in the midst of the struggle currently being faced.
• Verses 7-12
Who is God in the middle of your struggle? What gives you hope? What images of God are most useful to you at this time of difficulty/pain/ heartache?
• Verses 13-14
How are you hurting or struggling? How does it affect you? What emotions are you experiencing?
• Verses 15-18
What is the end result for those people or things that afflict you?
• Verses 19-20
Call on God to intervene in your situation. Cry out to the God who is ever faithful and merciful.
Write with passion, conviction and hope in God’s goodness and mercy.
This is not a test, write or as much or as little as you feel able, remembering God hears and answers prayer.
If you have found this exercise of writing your own psalm helpful, make a note to try it again or write another psalm on the theme of praise or a psalm asking God to hear your prayers for others facing demanding situations.
Make Psalm 9:10 your memory verse this coming week.