Mid-week Bridge 25 September 2024

Thank you to Ian


Reading – – Luke 18 v.1 – 8 – – The parable of the Persistent Widow

We don’t know what sort of justice the widow required but if we look at some modern scandals – The Post Office – Contaminated blood – and the many years that have passed in which those suffering the consequences have had to fight against an uncaring system, we might ask – what sort of justice are they crying out for? – – – Is justice possible?

The simplest meaning given for ‘Justice’ is ‘fairness, but the demands of justice in such circumstances as above are complicated. Is financial compensation enough? Should those who have hidden behind sophisticated lies and coverups be held guilty and punished? “If you does the crime, you should do the time” – “the punishment should fit the crime” – but is fairness possible in the modern world?

Look out across the world and hear those crying out for Justice and peace; many feeling abandoned in this world – some feeling abandoned by God as their suffering goes on and on. In this parable Jesus tells us that God does hear their cries and will indeed bring justice. But then he asks a strange question – “when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth”? We are told at the beginning – Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

Prayer and faith – that daily (Indeed constant) conversation with our loving, compassionate Father that, through the Holy Spirit, restores our faith and establishes peace deep within us even in the most difficult situations. Yes, Jesus is coming again and then no-one will be able to hide behind a wall of deceit and false testimony. In this world in which we hear of so many people crying out for justice, we are strengthened in our faith and encouraged as we come together for prayer. As written in Heb.10 v.25 – – “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” That Day will be a day of justice but don’t be surprised at what we are seeing today – Jesus said, – Matt.24 v.12/13 – – “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

God’s love for the world holds back that Day but on that Day, in God’s love, he will hear those cries and will indeed bring justice.

Keep growing in the fellowship of prayer and don’t give up.