Mid-week Bridge 4 September 2024

Thank you to Phillip for this week’s MWB

Reflections for September 2024.

The reflections on the following three Wednesdays, 4th, 11th and 18th are all concerned with the subject of caring for our world, this amazing, wonderful world God created and invites us to care for and protect it.

I hope we will find these three reflections helpful, encouraging and most of all, enable us to learn more about valuing nature for its own sake, because our Creator God declared creation to be good before humans existed.

I am indebted to the Revd. Margot Hodson and her writings in ‘Guidelines’ (BRF) for the insights gained which I have been able to use in these reflections.

Wednesday, 4th September 2024.

Read Genesis 1:1-25.

We can affirm with certainty that God’s creation, every bit of it, is good. Hopefully, over these past weeks we have had time to pause, look at beautiful flowers, listen to bird song and be stunned at amazing scenery, rivers, mountains and enormous trees. The word ‘good’ is used seven times in these verses. And I suspect, as we have had time to be in God’s creation, we have and will be moved to praise him and give thanks for the beautiful world he created.

 The value God places on each part of creation is shown by the careful way in which the different aspects of the cosmos and our own planet are described. Each part of creation therefore has value, and we should approach it with the view that it belongs to God and not ourselves. (Margot Hodson).

Points to ponder:

  • Read these 25 verses over at different times this coming week. Ask God to help us continually wonder at his wonderful, diverse creation.
  • Ask God for ways we can be involved in caring for his world, right here in Southbourne.


  • Giving thanks for all those organisations who are actively involved caring for and protecting our world in these uncertain times.