Mid-week Bridge 9 October 2024

Thank you to Ian for this week’s MWB


Reading – Matt 25 v.14 to 30 – The Parable of the Talents

Three servants all entrusted with the master’s property and each, according to their ability, given a responsible role and the means to fulfil it. They all enjoyed the benefits and security of their master’s property. Two immediately took up their responsibility and, using their ability and the means provided, served their master well. And so the master spoke those lovely words to each of them – “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.” – How would you describe the master’s character?

The third man also enjoyed the benefits and security of living on his master’s property but, when given a responsibility according to his ability and the means to fulfil it, he buried everything out of sight and did nothing. He had never taken the time to get to know his master’s character so when asked to give account of his actions he came up with a very weak excuse that because he considered the master to be a hard man he was too frightened to use his ability and the means provided. There was no apology or repentance, basically he blamed the master.

In the first parable we looked at we had the promise – “will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see they get justice, and quickly.” But because of God’s love for the world his Son has taken the punishment due to  us upon himself. So we saw in the second parable God calling people to come and serve in his vineyard and receive his grace. But what of those who refuse; who continue in their selfish life and reject God’s provision of salvation? Should they continue to enjoy the benefits won for us on the cross? If they reject God’s way, what does justice demand?

You are invited to come and share in the Lord’s happiness, to serve him in his vineyard within your own ability and with his provision. Don’t dig a deep hole for yourself or take the risk of waiting until the 11th hour. God, because his justice is wrapped in love, gave us his only Son so that we might enjoy eternal life with him and, yes, share his happiness. Love holds back the Day of justice but, on that Day, God’s love for all those crying out to him will demand justice.