Mid-week Bridge Wednesday 2 October 2024

Thank you to Ian for this week’s MWB


Reading – – Matt.20 v.1 – 14 – – The parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

The trade unionists among us might also feel that the payment was unfair and ask – “How can the God of justice allow such an unfair situation?” – So let’s look again at the Lord’s justice. Paul tells us in Rom.3 v.23 – “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” – and in today’s understanding of justice – “If you does the crime you does the time.” But, God loves the world and wants all people to come to him. So God sent his Son to take the punishment for our sins upon the cross – and Paul continues in v.24 – “we are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” – and in v.25 – “He did this to demonstrate his justice at the present time.”

The picture in the parable of the vineyard points back to Isaiah and the Lord’s vineyard. The owner of the vineyard goes out early to call people to work in his vineyard. He goes out several times right up to the eleventh hour and invites people in to work in his vineyard; those who come get exactly the same payment. I came to the vineyard of the Lord when I was 19 – quite early – My father came to the vineyard of the Lord at 74 – the eleventh hour as he died a few weeks later. I look back at a lifetime of knowing the presence and love of God throughout my years; my father had a moderately successful and comfortable life but during those last weeks he said – “I have wasted the years of my life.” In the Lord’s grace, both he and I received forgiveness and eternal life with the Lord. Grace is amazing and is for all who hear his call.

Do we forget that we are sinners saved by grace through faith? Do we sometimes question the Lord’s generosity, feeling that others are less deserving and yet are getting a better deal than we are? Does such jealousy and resentment hinder our walk in the Lord’s vineyard? Does our lack of generous grace to others put us as the last?

Note: In this parable it was the vineyard owner himself who went out searching for those who would come into his vineyard – – as the shepherd out looking for his lost sheep. It was God himself, in Christ Jesus, who paid the price for our sins and, God Himself, through the Holy Spirit, out looking to call his sheep into his pasture. Can we reject such love- – justice ruled by love?

Jesus is seeking the wanderers yet;

Why do they roam’

Love only wants to forgive and forget;

Home, weary wanderers, home!

Wonderful love dwells in the heart of the Father above.

Hymn v.3 – Come, let us sing of a wonderful love