Sunday Services

Our services provide an opportunity for the whole church community to meet together, and visitors are always welcome to join us. 

We meet to worship God together, also to say sorry to God for the wrong things we have thought or said or done, and to thank God for his mercy and grace in sending Jesus to forgive our sins, to be our Saviour and give us new life.  Readings from the Bible and an explanatory talk help us to understand and focus on the truth about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Sunday Morning at 10.00am – Worship for Everyone

Come to the church for our Sunday morning service starting at 10.00am.  You will find a range of people worshipping God in a service which embraces all ages, aiming to present the Bible in a way that is relevant to everyone. 

On most Sundays there are also special groups for children (Crèche, Sunday Club and SCY) that start at 9.55am and run alongside the church service.  Our usual pattern is that the children then come into church near the end of the service to join their families.

2nd Sunday of the month at 10.00am – Family Worship

This is a special service for the whole family to be in church together.

Holy Communion

On the first and third Sunday of every month, as part of our morning service, there is an opportunity to join in Holy Communion together.


If you are unable to attend our Sunday morning service in person, you may find it helpful that we also broadcast it via Zoom.  Please contact the Church Office on for the Zoom login details.