Knit and Natter

We are a small, friendly group which meets in the Bridge on Monday afternoons from 2.00pm–4.00pm.

Each session is £1.00 which includes tea or coffee and cake or biscuits.

Share ideas and help one another with learning to knit or crochet, deciphering patterns or sewing up garments.

Don’t fancy knitting?  Then just come along for the natter!!

All are welcome – feel free to bring friends and neighbours along too.

This poem was written by Frances who comes to Knit and Natter each week.

I’m glad I came to Knit and Natter 
I haven’t knitted but I like the chatter
There’s always a good yarn
And it can make one in stiches
To hear Mary talk of Marion’s glitches
But you bet the next minute Mary’s job’ll
Be making Marion’s hat a bobble
But I can’t pull the wool over your eyes
It’s a friendly group, there is no wrong side
And if you slip stich there’s always someone able
To sort out your garter, stocking or cable
So, there’s never the need to feel a knit
Just pass over the needle and this group will fix it
And another reason you’ll want to thank it
They’ll sew up your squares into a blanket
And if you can’t count your stiches, your brains in a whirl,
This group will do it – it’s really the purl!
And as you’re learning and start to get better
They will be beside you in knitting a sweater
With increasing confidence to try a glove
Or cardigan, they will assist you with love
So, if you are willing to learn and like blether
In Kinit and Natter you’ll be knit together
In joining this group, I’m willing to dare I’ll
Not find a better one in all this fair isle!